BSHS Band Boosters

The award-winning Boiling Springs High School music program provides incredible opportunities for students and gives them memories that will last a lifetime. Becoming an active member of the BSHS Band Booster organization allows parents to be involved in helping to create those memories, and gives them an opportunity to take part in something that is a very big part of their child’s life.
The high school years go by in the blink of an eye, but a volunteer ‘job’ with the BSHS band program offers parents a chance to take an active part in one of their child’s biggest activities during those special years.
Booster Club parents have a great time working together while providing much-needed support to the band program.
The Boiling Springs High School Band Booster Association is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to the support of our BSHS band program, staff, and students. When a student becomes a member of the BSHS band program, their family is automatically considered to be members of the ‘band boosters’.
The success of the band booster organization depends upon the active attendance and participation of as many parents and family members as possible.
Join us at our monthly meetings and see what the BSHS Band Booster Club is all about!
We meet on the third Tuesday of every month, except the months of June and December, at Boiling Springs High School. Meeting agendas and information are sent via the Band app and our private FaceBook page. Meeting attendance is not required, but it is strongly encouraged in order to contribute your thoughts and ideas and stay current on the latest BSHS band information.