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Fundraising is extremely important to the success of our band program!


The school district is only able to provide about 30% of the funds needed to operate a large, successful program like the Bands of Boiling Springs. For this reason, we rely heavily on student fees and fundraisers to supply the remainder of our budget.


Starting in band camp, and throughout the school year, we conduct a variety of fundraising activities, and we need maximum participation from everyone. The better we do on our fundraisers, the more we can lower our band fees.


The BSHS Band Boosters also offer sponsorship packages to provide funding for the band program - if you know a business or individual that is interested in sponsoring the band please visit our Sponsor page. We offer advertising sponsorship opportunities, as well as patron-level donation listings.


Our booster club is a 501c3 non-profit organization, so sponsorships are tax deductible.


Fundraising ONLY works if everybody does their part!!


Upcoming Fundraisers

Boston Butt Sale!


This fundraiser occurs twice a year (fall & winter). Delicious smoked pork shoulder pre-orders and money are typically collected over a 2-week time-frame. Pick-up date is scheduled approximately a week later. 

2020 Sale: January 6th - 18th


Boston Butt pick-up: 

Saturday, February 1st

4 to 6 pm

in BSHS parking lot

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